Save up to 85% on your prescriptions

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Join 250,000+ people saving each week with CareCard

How CareCard works

Compare Prices

Enter your medication and zip code to find the lowest prices at your local pharmacies.

Get Free Coupons

CareCard discounts will help you pay less than the out of pocket price for your prescription.

Show the Pharmacist

Take your CareCard prescription discount card to the pharmacy and save instantly on your medication.

Who can save

with CareCard?

Your Family

Your Family

Every member of your family can save with CareCard


Seniors that fall into Medicare gaps like the “donut hole”

Limited Insurance

Working people with high deductible insurance plans


Dogs, cats... the whole family!

What Others Are Saying

I love CareCard. I have insurance and I even saved $119 on one prescription. I took the coupon I printed from the CareCard website to CVS and they filled it with no problem.


It's basically free money. With CareCard, I saved $144 at the pharmacy the very first time I used it. How awesome!!


CareCard saved me $80 in less than a minute at my pharmacy! I couldn't believe it.


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#1 Prescription Discount App

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Have a question?

  • Am I eligible to use CareCard?
  • Do I need to pay for CareCard?
  • Can I use CareCard if I already have insurance or Medicare?
  • Is CareCard insurance?
  • Will CareCard work for my entire family?

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Pharmacy names, logos, brands, and other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. Prescription savings may vary by prescription and by pharmacy, and in some cases may be discounted up to 85% off cash price*. Please note, this is NOT insurance. CareCard offers you the opportunity to find prescription discount prices, which ultimately depend on the provider. You are fully responsible for paying for all health care services but will be entitled to receive a discount from those health care providers in accordance with the specific pre-negotiated discounted rates. CareCard Inc. is not sponsored by or affiliated with any of the pharmacies identified in its price comparisons. This information is not mean to be a substitute for professional medical advice, treatment, or diagnosis. For additional information, please reach our customer support at 1-866-410-1217, Mon- Friday 9am – 5pm Est or email us at By using the CareCard prescription discount card or service, you are agreeing to CareCard’s Terms of Service.

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LegitScript approved